Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Best Things in Life are..Free!

Im a sentimental freak... I collect anything and everything, most especially if its FREE! My fascination for freecards started during a trip in Bangkok. I remember being handed out in the mall with a bunch of these cards for a Japanese Green Tea bottled drink they were promoting. Since these cards took awhile before it became available in the country, my access through freecards were limited to gifts from friends (who didn't find it useful) and freecard-looking-postcards. Imagine how thrilled I was to see the first freecard installation at Fullybooked Rockwell last year. My trips to the mall became YoCard hunting, getting every design available. I became obsessed with Yo Cards.

For their first anniversary, an exhibit was held at the 4th level of Fullybooked Bonifacio High Street.

Me and P had a blast going through all the Yo Cards showcased, which according to Kimmy and Alfred were collections from different countries.

They even gave away these wire stands, of course for FREE!

My personal favorite would be the Monopoly money for Silk Air. Unfortunately my photo was exposed (darn)...


P going through walls and walls of Yo Cards. I think he's already convinced why I hoard these cards.

If I can just take these cards home!

According to Alfred the free card concept started in Spain.

It has already been around since the 70's or 80's (if I remembered it correctly).

These cards make good bookmarks too aside from being a collectible!

The best part of it all, it's ...

I'm counting now my YoCards...long way to go for a wall installation...

The Best Things in Life are...FREE
An International Free Card Exhibit
Fullybooked Bonifacio High Street
March 13-16, 2008

Photos taken using Fisheye Camera and Colored 35mm Agfa


Design Scouting said...

This is very very very cool! I love free cards. I think in the States they are go cards?

KAT said...
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KAT said...

Yes Abbey, this is the same as that of the go cards in the States! The "free card" concept is still new here in the country, so I assume this is where they got the whole concept.

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